Thursday, May 6, 2010

Busy times

It has been a few months since I have had time to post... between work, kids and husband getting laid off life has been hectic. 

Conor's 1st birthday is next  month, need to seriously start planning his party. 

We've done so many activities lately that I need to complete posts on.  I will PROMISE to myself to get these out within the next few weeks and set up my site on 

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are adorable! I found you through a search for "Nios Micro"! I was looking for some pictures of kids with them because we're trying to decide what color to order! We're about to order bilateral Nios Micros for our daughter Blair who has Auditory Neuropathy. Any tips? She's been wearing a loaner Oticon Vigo since early December and does super well with it. Thanks for your site on hearing impaired kids... they ARE just like every one else!
    acrossthebranch (at) gmail (dot) com
